Divergent Movie Trailer

I know I’m late to the game and that at least 1.2 million people have looked at this since it was posted two days ago. But if you’ve been wondering what all the hoopla is about, the trailer does a nice job of laying out the central themes of the book.

The movie premieres next March (3.21.14 to be exact). In the meantime, in the old-fashioned book world, the conclusion to the series, Allegiant, is out and all three installments are on the bestseller list.  (Read them all and you, too, can join in the arguments about whether or not Theo James is too old to play Four 🙂 )

Allegiant Countdown – 14 Days to Go!

OK, I’m tossing my grown-up literary cool out the door. Like millions of readers, I am eagerly waiting for the conclusion of a young adult book. The content of Allegiant, conclusion to the Divergent trilogy, is a tightly guarded secret. So like everyone else I’m waiting for October 22nd and clearing my calendar. Notice to booksellers: I’ll get back to you; I’ll be tied up reading that day.

In the meantime, like a good fan girl, I’ve been pouring over articles and media surrounding the book. I really enjoyed this profile in the October 14, 2013 issue of New York Magazine.

For those of you counting down the days, enjoy. For those who wonder what all the frenzy is about, the article is a nice introduction.

Allegiant (9780062024060) by Veronica Roth. $19.99 hardcover. 10/22/13 one day laydown.

Divergent Video: Faction Trailer

I’m getting pretty excited about this. I can’t believe we have to wait till March, 14, 2014 for the movie!

 In the meantime, there are nice old fashioned books for getting up to speed on the series:

Allegiant Book Tour Stops

Veronica Roth announced tour stops for her forthcoming conclusion to the Divergent series on her blog earlier this month. The lucky winners are:

  • 10/22/13 – The 92nd Street Y in NYC
  • 10/23/13 – Barnes & Noble, Dallas, TX
  • 10/24/13 – The Castro Theatre in San Francisco
  • 10/26/13 – The Tivoli Theater. Downer’s Grove. IL

Allegiant (9780062024060) by Veronica Roth. $19.99 hardcover. 10/22/13 one day laydown.



Conclusion of Divergent Revealed to Be….

If you’re a fan of Veronica Roth’s Divergent series this is old news, arriving as it does a whole 24 hours after the initial cover reveal on the Today Show. If you’re not among the gazillion rabid fans waiting for the final installment on 10/22/13 (or the film with Kate Winslet due next March), you can catch up on the phenomena here — Ryan Seacrest interview with Veronica Roth.

Allegiant (9780062024060) by Veronica Roth. $19.99 hardcover. 10/22/13 one day laydown